Installation Advice For WateRx Filters:

 We are proud to offer installations and media changes for WateRx filters to customers within New York City through our Parent plumbing company, NYC Plumbing & Heating Inc. To schedule an installation and discuss pricing, please send an email to, or call 347-391-2747. 

All WateRx filters need to be installed according to local codes. To learn more about your area please contact a licensed plumber or building department in your area. To learn about New York City codes please contact us by sending an email to, or call 347-391-2747

All Whole House filters are shipped in multiple boxes due to their size. They must be charged with media prior to installation. 

If you or your licensed plumber have any questions regarding assembly, installation or media changes please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to, or call 347-391-2747.